princewenyuan wrote in capslock_koei May 17, 2011 23:58
sup dawg, i wish you were a dumpling instead, be grateful it isn't flashdance, goatees rule, fabulous is objectively quantifiable, what has been seen cannot be unseen, zhuge liang is a girl with a beard, best post ever
naralove wrote in capslock_koei Feb 08, 2011 04:53
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wholly incompetent mods, goatees rule, boobs, sw3, ganling is vanilla flavoured, goddamnit i wanna play sw3!, wear love on your head, xiahou dun is a homo, let's doing! let's doing!, ahhhhhhhh!!!, noooooooooooooooooooo!, motonari will eat your soul, fugbot 2010, wuuuuuuuuuu, nobu nobu nobu, let's doing doing doing!, not enough banners
fluffybluesheep wrote in capslock_koei Mar 27, 2010 21:04
haters gonna hate, goatees rule, zhuge liang is a skankwhore